Sunday, February 15, 2009

WHAT I HATE TODAY: Your daily dose of negative energy (Guest Blogger edition!)

This WIHT submitted by InspectorLuv, a certain someone whose ideas about Canadian plumbing technology are not necessarily shared by Lawrence Pelo, Race of Truth Global Enterprises, Inc., or any of its subsidiaries or employees.

Today I hate Lawrence’s kitchen faucet. In most cases, hot water flows from the left and cold from the right, which is true of Lawrence’s faucet.* However, for some inexplicable reason, the knobs to turn the faucet on are backwards. Hot water flows from the knob marked “c” and cold water flows from the knob marked “h”. When I first turned the faucet on, I thought maybe Lawrence had backwards plumbing (I have experienced that situation before), so I followed the lettered indicators, but couldn’t get the temperature right (I was fumbling to get warm water). Lawrence observed my frustration and mentioned that the knobs were erroneously lettered. WTF? Seriously, how difficult is it to get this correct? It's standardized! Okay, maybe the person installing the faucet in the 1960s didn’t speak English, but, over the years, you would think a supervisor or landlord or tenant would have pointed this out and corrected the problem. Not correcting this is pure pigritude**!

*For the Canadians, U.S. Americans have this system called “indoor plumbing”. So, instead of drawing up water from a well, water flows through “pipes” which come directly into our homes. In addition to cold water, we also get hot water. It’s pretty amazing.

**Pigritude is a word I adopted. Please consider adopting a word of your own and saving it from extinction:

1 comment:

  1. It is clear to me that Lawrence Pelo, being a global citizen, has installed faucets indicative of his sophisticated nature.

    The "c" is plainly meant to stand for "chaud" ("hot" in French, for the unwashed masses) and the "h" for "l'hiver" (or "winter" in poetic! It's just like Pelo to utilize a metaphor in his kitchen plumbing).

    Also, Pelo has a spicy Latin flavor which he indulges by using a "c" for "caliente" and "h" for "hielo".

    Anyone not able to parse this out on their own will receive the temperature of water they deserve.
